by qrayon
23. April 2010 23:47

It’s getting close! We plan to submit the final build this weekend, which means that Quarter Shuffle should be available in the App Store as early as next week if all goes well. It’s been a fun journey getting to this point, and we are looking forward to sharing it with the rest of you.
Quarter Shuffle is the first game we’re releasing for the iPad, and doing it has been quite an eye opener to the platform for us. The iPad is going to be a game-changer (pardon the pun) for gaming. I don’t believe it’s going to replace other more portable gaming devices like the Nintendo DS and PSP, nor will if ever compete directly with console gaming. What it’s going to do is enable completely new, yet unseen, genres of games.
Quarter Shuffle is based on a relatively simple theme, but it is a game that could only have been created for the iPad. We have begun to only scratch the surface of multi-touch gaming. No doubt other teams of talented developers are working on their own masterpieces at this very moment. I’m personally looking forward to the day when we have a full-blown RTS on the iPad, but what will be more exciting are all the new genres of games that are now possible.