by qrayon
5. March 2012 09:25
We read all our email, and really appreciate all the great feedback you guys send us. Though we may not respond to every suggestion or request, we do consider all of them for future improvements. One common request has been to add paper templates to Air Sketch. Graph paper would be very useful for math and science classes, and ruled lines would be useful for writing. This is a great suggestion, and we hope to add this to future versions of the product. In the meantime, we’ve created a few simple PDF files with these templates. Simply load them up in Air Sketch and draw over them.
To use, right-click and save the PDF files below, transfer them to your iPad using any file manager (such as Dropbox or and “open in…” Air Sketch.
We’ve also provided the PowerPoint files that you can use to easily modify and create your own custom templates.
Graph paper:

PDF file
PPTX file
PPT file (legacy PowerPoint)
Ruled paper:

PDF file
PPTX file
Blank paper:
PDF file
PPTX file
Feel free to use these in your classes and share with your colleagues. Let us know if you find these useful, and if there are other templates you would like to see. If you would like to contribute your own templates to the community, email them to us and we’ll post them on the website for others to use.